Saturday, March 16, 2024

WCH and Sultanate of Magindanaw Extended Humanitarian Aid to Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center in the Spirit of Ramadan

COTABATO- Following the successful "Kanduli" (thanksgiving) event, which featured the Sultan of Magindanaw's “stepping on white dust ritual”, the We Care for Humanity (WCH) team and the Maguindanao Royal Family offered humanitarian assistance to the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center on March 11, 2024, in the spirit of Ramadan.

Since 2022, the U.S.-based non-profit organization WCH has been involved in charitable initiatives in Mindanao in partnership with the Sultanate of Magindanaw. 

Leading the delegation was HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the WCH founder, who presented the organization's mission and dedication to aiding the orphanage.

His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura VI, the 26th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw, along with other cultural leaders:  Datu Habib Mastura- Secretary General of SKDOP, H. Datu Suod Ibrahim- Daram sa Magindanaw, Datu Jimmy Asim- Datu Mompong sa Kutawato sa Magindanaw, Datu Jordan Sinsuat- Datu Dikaya III, Datu Alee Uy- Marajalayla Salamen Magindanaw, Datu Zainudin Anan Kabulan- Datu Lawan na Datu Dikaya, HRH Febs Mastura Matalam, Royal Princess sa Magindanaw, HRH Jasma Mastura Karon- Rajah Bai sa Magindanaw, HRH Harjida Mastura Karon- Bailaga sa Magindanaw, Fatima Abdulrakman- Bailawan sa Dikaya and foreign guest, Dr. Abdalla Sharief- Datu Marajalaila sa UN, who is also the president of United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), shared uplifting messages during the visit.

Ustadz Al-faradh Markadz expressed gratitude for the support and congratulated the newly enthroned Sultan on his prosperous reign.

The collaboration between the We Care for Humanity and the Sultanate of Magindanaw has significantly benefited the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center. During this 2nd visit, essential supplies such as rice and groceries were provided to support the orphanage's needs during Ramadan.

Their generous humanitarian gestures have truly embodied the spirit of Ramadan, bringing hope and joy to the underprivileged children.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Traditional Stepping on Sacred Dust Ceremony Was Held at Sultan of Magindanaw's Kanduli

COTABATO – After the grand enthronement of the 26th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, which drew thousands on January 14, 2024, a series of
"Kanduli (thanksgiving)" ceremonies were held to honor His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI.

During the recent Kanduli ceremony on March 9 at the Royal House of Royal Princess Febs Mastura Matalam, a special and sacred ritual took place to observe the traditional customs confirming the newly crowned Sultan.

An important part of Maguindanao tradition involves the Sultan “stepping on sacred white dust” after his enthronement to consolidate his position. This practice is considered crucial for a Sultan's success and prosperity in his rule. Following generations without this ceremony, Rajah Datu Gumbay Tabunaway, a descendant of the original Tabunaway who initiated this tradition, carried out the ritual with Sultan Zulkarnain to strengthen his throne.

The ceremony, marked by solemnity and reverence, was attended by the Council of Elders, members of the sultanate’s Cabinet, Royal Ladies, Sultans, Datus from various Mindanao regions, and many of the Mastura Clan. Well-wishes and messages of support abounded, showcasing their unity and unwavering loyalty to the new Sultan.

Among the distinguished guests was Dr. Abdalla Sharief, President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), appointed as Maguindanao’s International Ambassador of Goodwill to the United Nations and Arab countries, receiving the title of Datu Marajalaila.

WCH Founder, Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, known as the "Daughter of the Sultanate of Magindanaw" based in the United States, expressed her belief in the 26th Supreme Sultan's reign as the most remarkable and robust in Magindanaw's history. She emphasized the strength of the Sultanate in the late Sultan Salem's legacy, Sultan Zulkarnain's leadership, Crown Prince Datu Muamar's dedication, and the loyalty of all Cabinet Members, Datus, and Royal Ladies, highlighting unity and determination to uphold and elevate the Sultanate to a respected and beloved Kingdom.

In his speech, the Sultan expressed, “From the unbroken line of Sultans of Magindanaw, my utmost aspiration is to carry on the legacy of my brother, father, and ancestors by fostering peace among the people of Mindanao and worldwide. I am dedicated to upholding the values of unity, understanding, and respect passed down through generations in my family. With a deep sense of responsibility, I aim to lead with compassion and wisdom, working tirelessly to bridge divides and promote harmony within our community and beyond. Together, we can build a future where differences are celebrated, and where peace is not just a dream, but a reality for all.”

The Crown Prince, HRH Datu Muamar Mastura extended his gratitude for the event's success, especially to the elders, foreign guests, Sultans, Datus, Royal Ladies, and all supporters of the new Sultan, including Mr. Faisal, the master of the ceremony, and his dance troupe, highlighting the efforts that made the event a success!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Sultanate of Magindanaw Appoints Envoy to the United Nations

COTABATO - On the 9th of March, the Sultanate of Magindanaw Mandanaue Darussalam, a historic kingdom in Mindanao, Philippines, convened a "Kanduli" ceremony to commemorate the enthronement of His Majesty Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI as the new Sultan of Magindanaw, succeeding his late brother, Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V.

A key highlight of the event was the appointment of Dr. Abdalla Sharief, President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), as the International Ambassador of Goodwill (Datu Marajalaila) to the United Nations and the Arab World. Dr. Sharief's primary role is to advocate for the Sultanate's mission and vision within these esteemed institutions.

This appointment was accompanied by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Sultanate and UNCAV, outlining their mutual duties and obligations for the benefit of the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Sultan Zulkarnain emphasized that the title of Datu Marajalaila serves as an official designation aimed at broadening the Sultanate's reach and enhancing diplomatic relations with the global community. He underscored the significance of nurturing mutual comprehension and cooperation on an international level, outlining the Sultanate's dedication to peace, cultural interchange, and sustainable progress.

The Crown Prince of Magindanaw, HRH Datu Muamar Mastura, expressed his belief that UNCAV’s visit will not only bolster Magindanaw's reputation as a forward-thinking and peace-loving state but also pave the way for future collaborations and partnerships that will benefit the region as a whole.

Playing a pivotal role in this appointment and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw expressed her unwavering confidence in Sharief's capability to serve as the Sultanate's emissary to the United Nations. Citing their shared history and his adeptness in engaging with various Arab nations, she vouched for him as a seasoned diplomat with a profound understanding of international relations.

Abdalla Sharief, in his acceptance speech, expressed gratitude for the honor bestowed upon him and affirmed his dedication to representing the Sultanate with integrity and diligence. He acknowledged the rich history and heritage of Magindanaw and pledged to work tirelessly towards promoting its interests and values on the world stage.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sultanate of Magindanaw to Host Peace and Cooperation Conference in Cotabato with UNCAV President as Chief Guest

COTABATO - The President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), Mr. Abdalla Sharief, will visit Cotabato City, Philippines on the 8th of March 2024. Accompanied by HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), they will attend the Peace and Cooperation Conference hosted by the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Since the enthronement of the new Sultan of Magindanaw, His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, on the 14th of January this year, he and his Cabinet members have been actively promoting peace within the community.

Both the 26th Sultan of Magindanaw and Crown Prince, His Highness Datu Mamuar Mastura expressed their honor in hosting an emissary from the United Nations. They have high hopes that this visit will positively impact the longstanding issues faced by the people in Mindanao.

The conference, which will include the "Kanduli" thanksgiving ceremony of the Sultan and the launch of the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines 2024, is scheduled for the 9th of March from 10AM to 3PM at the Royal House of Her Highness Royal Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam in Cotabato.

Sharief shared his emotions on his upcoming visit to the Philippines, stating, "I am excited to return to the Philippines for the second time and particularly eager to explore the captivating region of Magindanaw. Magindanaw holds significant importance in the hearts of many in the Arab and Islamic world as the land of Muslim Philippines. As a fellow Muslim, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with my brethren in Magindanaw and their quest for cultural and economic advancement. As I journey to the realm of Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain, I sense a profound familiarity, as though I already know him despite our yet-to-be-made acquaintance. I anticipate that this visit will deepen our mutual understanding and strengthen our bonds as we collaborate towards shared objectives in economics and human development. Undoubtedly, my time in Magindanaw will be enlightening. I am keen to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage and witness firsthand the economic strides the region has achieved. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share our media and development expertise with the African and Arab world, leveraging our established partnerships with international organizations in Europe like UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Organization. The Philippines, with its diverse landscape and vibrant culture, offers abundant prospects for cooperation and progress. Magindanaw, in particular, serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters economic prosperity for all. I am profoundly grateful for the chance to revisit Magindanaw and anticipate the meaningful connections and fruitful collaborations that await."

Queen Maria expressed her delight in fulfilling her responsibilities as Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw by bridging UNCAV and the Sultanate of Magindanaw. "I hold high aspirations for the Sultanate to thrive as one of the most esteemed and influential Kingdoms globally, and I am committed to achieving this goal to the best of my abilities."