Showing posts with label Summit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summit. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Sultanate of Magindanaw to Host Peace and Cooperation Conference in Cotabato with UNCAV President as Chief Guest

COTABATO - The President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), Mr. Abdalla Sharief, will visit Cotabato City, Philippines on the 8th of March 2024. Accompanied by HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), they will attend the Peace and Cooperation Conference hosted by the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Since the enthronement of the new Sultan of Magindanaw, His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, on the 14th of January this year, he and his Cabinet members have been actively promoting peace within the community.

Both the 26th Sultan of Magindanaw and Crown Prince, His Highness Datu Mamuar Mastura expressed their honor in hosting an emissary from the United Nations. They have high hopes that this visit will positively impact the longstanding issues faced by the people in Mindanao.

The conference, which will include the "Kanduli" thanksgiving ceremony of the Sultan and the launch of the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines 2024, is scheduled for the 9th of March from 10AM to 3PM at the Royal House of Her Highness Royal Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam in Cotabato.

Sharief shared his emotions on his upcoming visit to the Philippines, stating, "I am excited to return to the Philippines for the second time and particularly eager to explore the captivating region of Magindanaw. Magindanaw holds significant importance in the hearts of many in the Arab and Islamic world as the land of Muslim Philippines. As a fellow Muslim, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with my brethren in Magindanaw and their quest for cultural and economic advancement. As I journey to the realm of Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain, I sense a profound familiarity, as though I already know him despite our yet-to-be-made acquaintance. I anticipate that this visit will deepen our mutual understanding and strengthen our bonds as we collaborate towards shared objectives in economics and human development. Undoubtedly, my time in Magindanaw will be enlightening. I am keen to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage and witness firsthand the economic strides the region has achieved. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share our media and development expertise with the African and Arab world, leveraging our established partnerships with international organizations in Europe like UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Organization. The Philippines, with its diverse landscape and vibrant culture, offers abundant prospects for cooperation and progress. Magindanaw, in particular, serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters economic prosperity for all. I am profoundly grateful for the chance to revisit Magindanaw and anticipate the meaningful connections and fruitful collaborations that await."

Queen Maria expressed her delight in fulfilling her responsibilities as Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw by bridging UNCAV and the Sultanate of Magindanaw. "I hold high aspirations for the Sultanate to thrive as one of the most esteemed and influential Kingdoms globally, and I am committed to achieving this goal to the best of my abilities."

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WCH and Royal Maharlika Launches the WCH Royal Summit, Philippines in Collaboration with the Sultanate of Maguindanao

The three big institutions namely We Care for Humanity, the Royal Maharlika and the Sultanate of Magindanaw (Maguindanao) Mandanaue Darussalam are gearing up for the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines which will be held on October 7 and 8, 2023 at the Greenleaf Hotel in General Santos, Philippines.

According to the Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, His Majesty Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V, “This is the first time that this caliber of event will happen in Mindanao which will benefit the Sultanate and the people in Mindanao especially in promoting peace among nations and indigenous people. We are in support of the mission of our Queen of Maharlika and Princess of CALABARZON, our very own HRH Mariam Leonora Torres Mastura, the founder and chairman of the summit”.

The WCH Royal Summit dubbed as the biggest gathering of dignitaries and traditional leaders is a conglomeration of flagship events by We Care For Humanity and the Royal Maharlika since 2013. The summits are held in different nations and encompasses the advocacies of both organizations to create a larger impact to humanity.

“We are very proud of what has become of all our events combined. We created a greater synergy among our supporters, followers, and beneficiaries by interrelating our programs and celebrating them in different countries.”, the Princess said. She added, “The success of our summit in Dubai last 18th of June just proved that the WCH Royal Summit has become an institution for excellence and manifestation of global partnerships and humanitarian interventions”.

The WCH Royal Summit, Philippines is expected to welcome world leaders, Kings and Queens from Africa, Asia and even Europe and many notable guests from more than 30 countries. The summit will feature the following events: